When it comes to footwear it's not just the style that needs to be considered, (although we do want them to look nice), and it's not just about the comfort either. The most important issue regarding quality footwear is the overall fitting. In fact so many of us wear poorly fitting shoes to achieve a certain "look" without any serious consideration on how they fit and function. Women are particularly guilty of this.
Most designer shoes are made to very high standards and the foot is taken into careful consideration as well as the style of the shoes during the design process. But we don't have to splash out on costly 'hand made' designer shoes to get a good fit so long as we know what to look for when we go shopping for footwear.
It's very important not to wear a shoe that is too short. If you have long feet, like me, then a shorter shoe may be tempting as it looks better, but it can cause tendonitis or a bone spur on the back of the foot and prevent the arch from expanding. Ok, so you're not about to launch a career as a ballet dancer, but that doesn't mean you should treat your feet with disrespect. After all, it is you and your feet that suffer in the long run.
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Just as wearing a shoe that's too short can cause problems, so can wearing shoes that are too big. A correctly fitting shoe allows you to flex your foot and spread the arch while at the same time supporting both the foot and the ankle. If a pair of shoes is too large, they can cause sprained ankles, overstretched tendons, and also an overdevelopment of muscles that are straining to hang on to the shoe. Once again, you will have more chance of getting a pair of designer shoes to fit straight off of the shelf than some unknown brand at budget cost.
The size and shape of our feet is forever changing and it's important to know how to measure your own feet, especially if you purchase your footwear online. For example, if you start jogging, or other forms or exercise, or perhaps you change to a job where you spend more or less time on your feet, your foot muscles adjust accordingly, and so the foot size will vary as a result. There are three dimensions you should measure your feet by when purchasing a shoe, and they are the length, arch and width.
Designer shoes tend to be far more accurate with their sizes and so it's a much safer bet to order well known brands online. Cheap shoes can tell us very little by their size alone and are very inconsistent in their fitting too. In fact a few years ago I had 2 pairs of cheap dress shoes, and a supermarket's own brand or trainers. These sizes were 9.5, 10, and 10.5 respectively. I've since purchased 3 designer brands and they are all perfect at size 10.
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There are many benefits to investing in a quality pair of designer shoes. Designer shoes really are worth the extra cost because of the high quality of the materials used in their design and also the research that goes into making them both functional and comfortable. Ok, so the initial cost can be considerably higher, but when you think these shoes will last for many years to come, with proper care, you not only save in the long term but the health of your feet benefits too.